‘67 Jeepster Commando
‘67 Jeepster Commando
Number: HKJ02-M7C5
Year: 2023 - 2/10
Collection: HW Hot Trucks
Born: 1967, Toledo, Ohio
Manufacturer: Kaiser-Jeep
Hit the trail in this classic off–road warrior! The roof holds a luggage rack with rally lights and a car jack. There's a giant winch on the front bumper and a motorcycle strapped to the bed for even more all–terrain adventures.
'67 Jeepster Commando is a 2019 new Hot Wheels casting designed by Dmitriy Shakhmatov, debuting in the 2019 HW Hot Trucks mainline segment. It is based on the real-life car made by Kaiser-Jeep between 1966 and 1973. Dmitriy expressed that getting tampos on the motorcycle was a challenge when designing the casting. Hot Wheels has released another Jeep pickup in the past: the Jeep Scrambler, back in 1983, depicting the then-present Jeep truck.